Ask Owners About Signs of Pet Pain

Animals can often hide their pain and it takes the owners to notice specific signs to know that their pet is unwell.

  1. Have you noticed changes in your cat’s sitting or sleeping position? For example, laying flat out, difficulty settling down, resting in a hunched position.
  2. Has there been a change in your cat’s sleeping or resting places or hiding in unusual places?
  3. Has there been a change in your cat’s energy level; more lethargic or more restless?
  4. Has there been a change in your cat’s personality or attitude? For example, changes in interactions, irritability, wanting more attention or less attention.
  5. Have there been changes in your cat’s hair coat, such as matted hair, poor grooming?
  6. Have you noticed a change in your cat’s facial expression, such as staring, fixed gaze, dilated pupils, “squinting” eyes?
  7. Have there been any changes in your cat’s appetite or water consumption?
  8. Does your cat lick or bite at a body part?
  9. Is your cat more or less vocal than in the past? Are there changes in the type of vocalization?
  10. Have there been changes in your cat’s litter box use, including inappropriate elimination?

If you answered yes to any of the above, it might be time to book an appointment with your doctor for an exam.